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Tony Robbins Live in Australia Date with Destiny Cairns 2018

Posted in Local Area & Events @ Oct 25th 2017 9:10pm - By Administrator
Tony Robbins

Embark on a journey - 6 days LIVE with Tony Robbins - that literally transforms the foundations of your everyday experience.

You will uncover the exact beliefs and values that control virtually every decision you make - from how you interact in your relationships to the decisions that shape your career, your finances and your mission in life ... and ultimately your destiny.

Begin your journey by putting a stake in the ground for who you are what you truly desire from your life. Master the science of achievement and the art of fulfilment by learning to understand the primary drives behind behaviour and emotions; including the beliefs, rules and values through which our lives operate. As you begin to uncover what you need to create everything you imagine, you will make the most important decision of your life and uncover what truly ignites an extraordinary quality of life.

Explore how to harness and direct the power of your unconscious mind by becoming more aware of how you choose to react. Identify your Primary Question; the most important and vital key to becoming aware of our own behaviours and values. Before you can regain control of our own destiny, you must discover and adjust the focus of your Primary Question to cease inhibiting and begin empowering. We will learn how experiences are evaluated, deal with behavioural triggers and develop command of our own inner state.

Is your brain fundamentally wired to seek pleasure or pain? On day three we will uncover the rules, values and beliefs guiding our lives, and prime ourselves to move towards pleasure. By discovering and rewiring the invisible forces controlling our lives, we gain the power to redefine their influence, better enabling us to live more joyous, more fulfilling and more extraordinary lives.

Don’t miss Tony Robbins live in Australia at Cairns Convention Centre from May 21 to 26, 2018. Our Cheap Accommodation in Cairns is just minutes away from Cairns Convention Centre.

For booking information, please click here

Image Source : Tony Robbins




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